Aston calls for experienced pros to step up for the Eagles

Mitch Stringer is one of Eagles' old headsMitch Stringer is one of Eagles' old heads
Mitch Stringer is one of Eagles' old heads
Director of rugby Mark Aston will be looking to a number of experienced heads to lead the Sheffield Eagles revival.

He will be expecting the fight-back to continue this afternoon, when his side host rock bottom Workington Town at Bawtry Road (3pm).

Aston has singled out a clutch of figures who he has trusted to lead his side’s rise back into top four contention.

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However, the Eagles chief knows that it is a formula that hasn’t worked in the first half of the campaign, but he is handing over the responsibility once again as the Eagles look to make it back-to-back league wins.

“You look at your captain and your vice-captain. Your senior players,” he said.

“Your Thorpeys (Steve Thorpe) and people like Mitch Stringer, Scott Wheeldon, Matt James and Knosser (Michael Knowles).

“We have an abundance of good senior pros. They will be honest with you and say that they haven’t been good, they haven’t been consistent and that is what they have to strive for.

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“Because you can do all the training in the world, but if we don’t put it out there on a matchday then what is the point?”

Whilst it has been a frustrating start to the season, it is all to play for as the Eagles look to narrow the four point gap to the middle eight places.

Aston has received a major boost with winger Garry Lo returning to his matchday squad.

Lo has only managed two games during his time with the Eagles, but Aston will be looking to his PNG star to help bolster his options.

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“What I am looking for is 17 leaders, but I am asked who has been the standout performers, I haven’t got a bucket full,” he added.

“I haven’t even got a handful and that is the honest truth, but we have players coming back in now and that will help.”