An all year round garden at Meadowhead Avenue in Sheffield

Pictured are Christine & Keith Littlewood in their garden at Meadowhead Ave,SheffieldPictured are Christine & Keith Littlewood in their garden at Meadowhead Ave,Sheffield
Pictured are Christine & Keith Littlewood in their garden at Meadowhead Ave,Sheffield
Myself This house stands in one third of an acre and built in 1927. We came here 29 years ago and the garden was very overgrown, the previous owners being in their 90s.

The garden we have here was set out in sections which have been kept exactly the same and, after weeding, digging and removing the old fruit trees and also the bushes eventually it became suitable for us to do our planting.

Over the years we have been here each section has changed with different textures replacing lawns and there are more plants, trees and shrubs that have been added. It is an all year round garden and needs time to keep it to the standard it should be kept to for a garden which is open to raise money for charity. From April to August we open on the last Sunday in each month and sell plants and home made cake, tea or coffee. I also bake cakes and each year pot up several hundred plants for sale. This keeps me busy in autumn and early spring so I work in the greenhouse when the weather is bad. I raise a lot of my plants from seed and spend hours pricking the seedlings out. Also I have two auricula theatres, which are in flower usually for the April open day. Perennial plants in the garden are numerous and I can never resist buying more which we buy mainly from nurseries which specialise in certain varieties. With most of the winter behind Snowdrops begin to flower and hellabore give a beautiful show. Spring heralds much awaited colour after the winter months with more than 30 varieties of daffodil, followed by many tulips. Alpines grow in troughs and on rockeries, followed by poppies, peonies, delphiniums, iris among many other cottage garden favourites. Shrubs and trees give height, interest and also shade for plants which don’t need full sun as the garden is south facing. Fortunately the garden is on a slight slope and there is an underground stream across the top which means we do not have to water too often, although plants in pots and hanging baskets do need attention even though water retention crystals are used. I think a garden is a very private space and one should use plants they think are best for the soil conditions, but also for the pleasure they give you.

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Pictured are Christine & Keith Littlewood in their garden at Meadowhead Ave,SheffieldPictured are Christine & Keith Littlewood in their garden at Meadowhead Ave,Sheffield
Pictured are Christine & Keith Littlewood in their garden at Meadowhead Ave,Sheffield

I believe gardening is a labour of love and very therapeutic, but only do the amount of work that suits you or it can become a chore. The garden is open for the National Garden Scheme and local charities and many lovely people have visited over the 17 years of opening, while at the same time raising more than £35,000.

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