Charity aims to raise £200K to make Sheffield hospitals more dementia-friendly

Alan Firth, aged 85, of Wincobank, who has dementia, with his daughter Jackie. Alan Firth, aged 85, of Wincobank, who has dementia, with his daughter Jackie. 
Alan Firth, aged 85, of Wincobank, who has dementia, with his daughter Jackie. 
A new appeal has been launched to fund improvements in hospitals which will help patients living with dementia.

Sheffield Hospitals Charity is aiming to raise £200,000 in 12 months to be able to begin their plans to make hospitals more dementia friendly.

Going into unfamiliar place, like a hospital, can be frightening for people with dementia, because they may not be sure what is going on or why they are there.

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Being away from their family, their home, and the security of a daily routine can cause their dementia symptoms to get worse.

If their dementia symptoms do get worse, it can then become more and more difficult for them to go home.

The funds raised will help to ensure patients with dementia receive the best possible care.

Physical changes to wards will make them more ‘dementia friendly’ and activities such as arts and music groups and memory sessions will keep them mentally and physically active.

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Keeping people occupied helps them to feel calmer and more settled.

A mobile dementia café is also being planned, to encourage patients to get out of bed and to socialise so they so they feel happier and less isolated.

These improvements will help people such as Alan Frith, aged 85, from Wincobank, who has dementia.

He said: “When the doctor told me I had Alzheimer’s disease I couldn’t believe it. It felt ironic that this was happening to me. My wife Lily had dementia for years and I’d cared for her.

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Dementia affects so many people. I know there might be a time in the future when I need to go to hospital. If that happens, I’d like to think I’ll be somewhere that’s designed with people like me in mind.”

David Reynolds, Executive Director at Sheffield Hospitals Charity said: “Dementia affects one in four patients being treated in Sheffield hospitals and this number is growing as people live longer.

“We are asking local people to support our appeal so we can start making important changes that will make the experience of going into hospital so much better people living with dementia.”

Visit for more information, and to find out how you can support the fundraising.